“A child’s early years’ experience should be happy, active, exciting, full of fun and secure”- Nursery Manager
This is an example of a daily routine at JollyTots Day Nursery.
All the rooms will be set up with play equipment ready for your little one to experience an exciting fun-packed day as soon as they arrive.
Our routines are flexible to ensure we accommodate the children’s individual needs and parent’s wishes. Nappy changes are included in the routine, however children are also changed as and when needed.
On arrival you and your child will be welcomed by our friendly staff.
Settling in time/free play - Children will be offered a range of age/stage appropriate fun toys and activities to choose from until breakfast time. (Self-registration will be included for the older children.)
8.00am -8.30am
Breakfast time - Children are offered a healthy breakfast and a drink of milk or water.
8.30am -9.00am
9.00am -10.00am
Planned activities/free play - Children will be put into small groups with their keyworkers to enjoy adult led activities which have been carefully planned to offer a wide range of learning experiences and support their development. Free choice activities are also offered to the children. (Circle time will be included for the older children.)
Nappy changing/toilet training/toilet time and handwashing time.
10.00am -10.15am
Singing and dancing - Children will enjoy singing and action songs.
10.30am -10.45am
Free play indoors and outdoors - Children choose from a wide range of exciting indoor and outdoor play activities and toys and have lots more fun with the staff.
10.45am -11.30am
11.30am -12.00pm
Lunchtime – A tasty nutritious meal will be offered. Staff will sit with the children making it a calm and relaxed social experience.
12.00pm -1.00pm
Sleep time and quiet time
Planned activities/free play - Children are put into their small groups with their keyworkers to enjoy even more fun, hands-on play activities to support their learning and development. Free choice activities are also offered to the children.
1.00pm -2.00pm
Nappy changing, toilet training and toilet time.
2.00pm -2.15pm
Afternoon snack – Children will be offered a healthy snack and a drink of milk or water.
2.15pm -2.30pm
2.30pm -3.30pm
Free play - children choose indoor and outdoor play activities to explore and enjoy.
Dinner time - A tasty nutritious meal will be offered. Staff will sit with the children making it an enjoyable learning experience for the children.
3.30pm -4.00pm
4.00pm -6.00pm
Story time/quiet activities after a fun- filled day at nursery ready to go home.